35 research outputs found

    The Universal Approximation Property

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    The universal approximation property of various machine learning models is currently only understood on a case-by-case basis, limiting the rapid development of new theoretically justified neural network architectures and blurring our understanding of our current models' potential. This paper works towards overcoming these challenges by presenting a characterization, a representation, a construction method, and an existence result, each of which applies to any universal approximator on most function spaces of practical interest. Our characterization result is used to describe which activation functions allow the feed-forward architecture to maintain its universal approximation capabilities when multiple constraints are imposed on its final layers and its remaining layers are only sparsely connected. These include a rescaled and shifted Leaky ReLU activation function but not the ReLU activation function. Our construction and representation result is used to exhibit a simple modification of the feed-forward architecture, which can approximate any continuous function with non-pathological growth, uniformly on the entire Euclidean input space. This improves the known capabilities of the feed-forward architecture

    Deep Learning in a Generalized HJM-type Framework Through Arbitrage-Free Regularization

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    We introduce a regularization approach to arbitrage-free factor-model selection. The considered model selection problem seeks to learn the closest arbitrage-free HJM-type model to any prespecified factor-model. An asymptotic solution to this, a priori computationally intractable, problem is represented as the limit of a 1-parameter family of optimizers to computationally tractable model selection tasks. Each of these simplified model-selection tasks seeks to learn the most similar model, to the prescribed factor-model, subject to a penalty detecting when the reference measure is a local martingale-measure for the entire underlying financial market. A simple expression for the penalty terms is obtained in the bond market withing the affine-term structure setting, and it is used to formulate a deep-learning approach to arbitrage-free affine term-structure modelling. Numerical implementations are also performed to evaluate the performance in the bond market.Comment: 23 Pages + Reference

    Universal Regular Conditional Distributions

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    We introduce a general framework for approximating regular conditional distributions (RCDs). Our approximations of these RCDs are implemented by a new class of geometric deep learning models with inputs in Rd\mathbb{R}^d and outputs in the Wasserstein-11 space P1(RD)\mathcal{P}_1(\mathbb{R}^D). We find that the models built using our framework can approximate any continuous functions from Rd\mathbb{R}^d to P1(RD)\mathcal{P}_1(\mathbb{R}^D) uniformly on compacts, and quantitative rates are obtained. We identify two methods for avoiding the "curse of dimensionality"; i.e.: the number of parameters determining the approximating neural network depends only polynomially on the involved dimension and the approximation error. The first solution describes functions in C(Rd,P1(RD))C(\mathbb{R}^d,\mathcal{P}_1(\mathbb{R}^D)) which can be efficiently approximated on any compact subset of Rd\mathbb{R}^d. Conversely, the second approach describes sets in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, on which any function in C(Rd,P1(RD))C(\mathbb{R}^d,\mathcal{P}_1(\mathbb{R}^D)) can be efficiently approximated. Our framework is used to obtain an affirmative answer to the open conjecture of Bishop (1994); namely: mixture density networks are universal regular conditional distributions. The predictive performance of the proposed models is evaluated against comparable learning models on various probabilistic predictions tasks in the context of ELMs, model uncertainty, and heteroscedastic regression. All the results are obtained for more general input and output spaces and thus apply to geometric deep learning contexts.Comment: Keywords: Universal Regular Conditional Distributions, Geometric Deep Learning, Measure-Valued Neural Networks, Conditional Expectation, Uncertainty Quantification. Additional Information: 27 Pages + 22 Page Appendix, 7 Table